Molecubid Lab Solution

Easy to localised delivery of mNGS and tNGS in hospitals

Based on our self-owned brand instruments and reagents, as well as enriched experience in platform construction and operation, GensKey provides integrated solutions for Clinical Medical Laboratory Centres and Precision Medicine Centers according to customers' demands. We can assist hospitals in building standardized pathogenic molecular detection platforms by integrating the whole process of closed-loop services such as laboratory design and construction, SOP & QC system establishment, lab technician training, intensive supply and IT system localization.

Molecubid  Lab highly integrated automation platform - Make it Easy to Perform Pathogen Diagnostic via NGS in every Hospital

Advantages of Molecubid Lab Solution:

Reliable and fast is possible.

Molecubid Lab Solution for mNGS

Molecubid Lab Solution for tNGS

Multiple applications can be deliveried in one Molecubid Lab

Not for use in diagnostic procedures (except as specifically noted).