Library Preparation Workstation

Product model GensLab Titan
Product size 780x725x777mm
Weight 130kg
Product Info


    GensLab Titan employs pipetting modules and temperature control components to pipette samples and reagents, and then performs pre-processing according to a set procedure, including DNA extraction, enzymatic reactions, and magnetic bead purification, to ultimately obtain purified nucleic acids.


Main parameter

Parameter range



Pipette Types

8 channel fixed pitch pipette

Pipetting Range

2 μl~200 μl

Pipetting Precision

2 μl:CV<5%,accuracy<±10%

200 μl:CV<1%,accuracy<±1%

PCR Module Parameters

Temperature accuracy (55 ºC, 72 ºC, 95 ºC) : not greater than ±0.5 ºC

Temperature uniformity (55 ºC, 72 ºC, 95 ºC) : not greater than ±0.5 ºC

Maximum warming rate (55 ºC to 95 ºC) : not less than 2.0 ºC/s

Maximum cooling rate (95 ºC to 55 ºC) : not less than 1.1 ºC/s

Thermal Control Module

Temperature range 4-90℃

Temperature accuracy: no more than ±1℃

Temperature uniformity: no more than ±1℃

Robotic Arm Positioning Accuracy

±0.1 mm

Air Filtration System

Filtration efficiency 99.995% at 0.3μm

Ultraviolet Sterilization System

The irradiation dose is higher than 100,000 μW.s/cm²



